End Customer

How does ChefChain / The blockchain benefit the end user. ChefChain is a linier system desinged for the total benefit of the end user.


While the information on ChefChain will drive commerce between growers, chefs & restaurants, all the information contained in a block and that’s blocks relationship with other blocks are intended to flow towards the end user.

39% of all food choices since the pandemic are made digitally or have a digital element in the choice journey, therefore there is now a new interface for the flow of information from the blockchain to your device, this allows the customer greater choice when choosing their product.


Maria sits in a restaurant and scans a QR code on the menu about the 28 day aged black angus steak she is thinking about ordering, when she scans the QR code, it opens a portal that shows her all the information she needs to make her choice:

  • Address of farm
  • Breed of cow
  • Type of feed it consumed
  • Date of slaughter
  • Ageing process
  • Medical history of the cow, antibiotics administered etc. 
  • HACCP points
  • Cooking method
  • Recipe
  • Allergen information 

While the steak is expensive, the information backs up the claims of the origin, Maria can make a data driven decision, showing the true transparency and value of the blockchain.

Mike gets home after a long day at work, he didn’t have time to go shopping, he needs to order a takeaway, but he doesn’t want to eat junk food because he has an eating plan and is tracking his macros. 

Mike browses the takeaway app and finds a menu he likes, the menu offers exactly what he wants. Next to each dish there is a link to the blockchain with blocks showing the recipe / ingredients / and nutrition information which help him stay on track with his daily macro target, linking right back to the farmers and producers. This is exactly what he needs. Mike doesn’t really understand the blockchain itself, but does understands the immutability and the transparency of the information it delivers, giving him the confidence he needs to make a targeted and sound decision on what he wants to eat.

How can ChefChain help?

39% of all food choices since the pandemic are made digitally or have a digital element in the choice journey, therefore there is now a new interface for the flow of information from the blockchain to your device, this allows the customer greater choice when choosing their product.


  • Physically Scanning a QR code on a menu in a restaurant.
  • Ordering a takeaway digitally through an app or platform.
  • Selecting an item for your online supermarket shopping basket.
  • Ordering food from a web-shop.
  • Event food pre dinner choices (Weddings / Conferences).

Seeing the ingredients, recipe and  also being able to access information about the food journey, from the farm to fork / product. This allows for greater information and data to help the end user make: 

  • Data driven dietary choices.
  • Ethical verified data driven food choices.
  • Environmentally verified through data choices.
  • Religiously verified food choices.